Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday Pics!

Because I love clothing of antiquity and have made a number of reproduction mid-19th century dresses, as well as men's and children's clothing, the accoutrements of the period are of great interest to me, also.

This woman is wearing a lovely Chatelaine.  They are kind of like having our sewing kits hanging on our belts!

I'm including a closeup picture of another one
so you can get an idea of what they're like.
Amazing, aren't they?

This one had the following description:
Heart shaped plaque with reticulated repousse allegorical figures
and five appendages of various origins and makers consisting of
scissors and scabbard, thimble bucket,
thread wax, mirror and heart shaped box.

A Blessed Sunday to You!


  1. Wonderful photo of woman, and the chatelaine is so intricate and lovely. Ready at a moment's notice for any emergency! Not to be left out of a photo portrait, which was a big event. Thank you!
