Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Pics!

Oh, I love this photo.  What a sweet looking mom teaching a darling daughter to sew.  I can't even describe how that makes me feel.

The machine is a Davis vertical feed from c. 1880.  The photo is from the book Quilts in Everyday Life, 1855-1955: a 100-Year Photographic History by Janet E. Finley, and I found it on Pinterest.

At our recent quilt show, we had a wonderful display of antique sewing machines, compliments of the Doyle family.  I had my treadle there as well, and my four-year-old granddaughter got to sew with me for a little bit.  She made a 4-patch block, not unlike what they are doing in the photo above.  Treasured moments.

A Blessed Sunday to You!


  1. Yes, treasured moments. I'm glad you got some time together.:-) Sweet photo.
